Mandi Angin waterfall locates in Air Berau Village, Pondok Suguh District Mukomuko regency. The hight of this waterfall is 120 meters to show beautiful scene. In waterfall surrounding area there are forest view, pure mountain water, fresh air. The neaest Village from waterfall is about 20 kms. If we need to go there by motorcycle and by foot about 3 kms. We must pass PT. DDP Plantation’s road and meet steep hill in the bank of dewa river. In There we need to prepare extra power and concentration.
Actually this place is a potential place for recration and tourist area. To develope this destination Mukomuko Regency Goverment must involve all components of society so that it can be become a favourit destination in Mukomuko.The Mukomuko Regency Goverment has effort promoting this destiantion through some evens and society activities.
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